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Start your day with a dose of Fresh Manna!

"The two disciples heard him speak, and they followed Jesus. Then Jesus turned, and seeing them following, said to them, 'what do you seek?'" John 1:37-38

This was a powerful question that Jesus proposed to these men who were captivated by his words. They were drawn to him and wanted to follow him. In that moment, there were no miracles of healing or deliverance. Just the Word. They received the fresh manna that created a lasso around there hearts and demanded their attention. It was all so crystal clear that what they were seeking was a spiritual encounter. The words of Jesus made such an impact that it prompt them to follow him without question.

Can you remember the last time His words ignited something inside of you? Can you recall a time when you were excited about seeking and pursuing him just because you wanted to simply know him? When Jesus asked 'What do you seek' I can imagine that they were filled with hope and great expectations. Their hearts were stirred and their spirit became alive with every word that proceeds out of the mouth of their soon to be Savior.

The same passion and zeal these disciples of Jesus portrayed is what we should aspire to practice. If we want to see transformation in our lives we need to pursue an encounter with Jesus. The scripture tells us, if we seek him, we will find him, if we search for him with ALL of our heart. It takes a whole heart to be focused to go after what it wants. When a heart is divided or distracted one can easily miss what God is saying and doing that will bring the much needed change in their life.

We have to learn to chase and pursue Jesus. Obstacles, roadblocks, and all forms of hinderances will come our way, that will never change. It's the "no matter what" mindset and spiritual tenacity to run through troops, leap over walls and breakthrough barriers to get to him. You have to want the encounter to really pursue it. If you need help in your pursuit because of your struggles...ask him.

Too many people have given up their pursuit of Christ because life has pushed them down so many times that they refuse to get back up. But, God wants you to know that if you choose to pursue his will for your life, there is nothing you can't face or overcome. The more you seek him despite what stands in front of you, the more you will find the strength to endure as God will make a way for you.

The Holy Spirit is calling you into his presence today. Run to him and seek him for a fresh infilling. Seek him for direction, pursue him because he holds you're today, tomorrow and future; love on him because he is God. He alone can meet all of your spiritual and daily needs. He is a way-maker and has already paved the way for you to enter in through his son Jesus Christ!

"For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worth comparing with the glory that is to be revealed to us." Romans 8:18

"Declare his glory among the nations, his marvelous works among all the peoples!"

1Chronicles 16:24

It's not always in the moment but in the move of God that you begin to appreciate what he has graced you to go through. When you experience financial loss, a battle for your health, martial issues, a child gone wild, or problems on the job, it doesn't seem like God is working in your favor. The never ending cycle of experiencing one thing after another can be discouraging and debilitating. The tears cried and the heartache felt doesn't bring assurance in the moment of our pain and distress.

Most would agree that it's hard to see God at work when you are frustrated or overwhelmed. Yet, the grace of God is able to bring you out. If we are honest with ourselves we can point to several occasions when we saw no way out but God did. We forget our previous victories because our current situation seem to out weigh it all. We are here today as a witness to his grace and mercy.

Today, God wants you to perceive your sufferings as an opportunity. He wants you to acknowledge that you are positioned to extend his assurance of breakthrough to someone that is experiencing what you just came out of. He wants you to declare that the fire you were in did not burn you because he was with you. He is waiting on you to profess that God's grace is sufficient in every situation. God is looking to you to be his witness!

Your testimony brings glory to God when you can share it with others. When you witness in the spirit of hope and faith, you are encouraging others to stick with God's process. Everything you have endured molded you to represent God's faithfulness. You become a beacon of light to someone else that is going through a rough season in their life. Sharing your testimony is the one the greatest testament that a believer can give. God is glorified when you can attribute your victories in life to him. They might not have turned out the way you expected but you still gained the victory.

When he is lifted up through our worship, lifestyle and confession, people will begin to glorify him in heaven. Ask the Holy Spirit to lead you to someone that needs to hear your testimony. Your story and voice can be the deliverance they have been waiting on. Your story matters!

Writer's pictureLatisha Lambert

He replied, “Because you have so little faith. Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20

Every word spoken in faith will chip away at your mountain. Speak boldly and do not doubt the gift of God in you. Fear will always make your situation bigger than God. But you have the word nigh in your heart and on your lips. When you believe, you have the power to shatter your mountain. Every word spoken in faith will crumble that which stands before you.

Don't look at the size of the mountain, but focus on the impact of God's word when spoken to it. See it crumbling in the spirit before you and bowing to the mighty God you serve.

Faith without works is unfruitful but when you begin to apply what the word of God instructs, we will start to see change whether big or small take place in our lives. Don't be afraid to speak to "it" in faith, believe the word of the Lord and don't doubt God to see you through.

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