"Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer." Romans 12:12
Our God, who is always faithful, WILL strengthen your soul to be hopeful even when it doesn't make sense to be. That is the power of God. Asking the Holy Spirit to teach you to be patient and pause before every decision, every word that leaves your mouth, every thought that challenges your faith will cause you to be dependent on God and not on your own strength.
You don't have to fight your own battles alone because God is the one leading the charge against the forces of darkness trying to invade your life. That's why we have to choose to be relentless in prayer. It is when we are prayerful about everything, we gain spiritual insight and a peace that is unfathomable knowing that if God is for us, who really can stand against him? If the thought of winning your battles don't make you want to shout Hallelujah, then take a second right now! We are victorious through him that loves us.
As a believer, We are set apart not because we are more precious or special to God than anyone else because he died and rose again for the whosoever...it’s because we have opened up our hearts to receive the divine revelation of Jesus Christ. With that revelation, we are exposed to the fullness of God's love, peace, and joy. You have the great honor to approach your Father's throne. When you go boldly before him, he is always ready to receive you. Don't forfeit your privilege in God as a son or daughter...you belong in his Kingdom, don’t let the enemy convince you otherwise.
You will experience many things in this life, the word of God is transparent about the realities of living in a sinful world. But God’s word is true and he will not leave you in a place of despair. John 14:18 says "I will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you". When we don’t have the strength to cry out, he will come to us and his presence will ward off the darkness and every evil force that want to steal from you what he has so generously given.
It's time to rejoice again and hold steadfast to your confidence in what God has promised you through his Word.
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