" Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for he who promised is faithful." Hebrews 10:23
Can you remember watching or playing the game Tug of War? It's a game where the objective is for each team to pull the rope along with the members of the opposing team to their side. The team to do that first wins! It sounds easy but it can be quite difficult. Holding on to a rope and pulling with all of your might to force the opposite team to relent takes determination and an unwavering spirit.
God wants us in the same way to approach our confession of him the same way. He wants us to be resilient and hold on to what we believe. Consider the rope as your confession of hope, faith and confidence, no matter what tries to tug at it, you will not be willing to let it go.
Our opposition comes in many different forms. They come under the guise of discouragement, disappointment, fear and anxiety; their captain is no other than the father of lies. The enemy’s main objective is to launch an attack that will cause us to loosen our grip on our confession of faith. If we loosen our grip, the enemy will try at every turn to cease the moment to pull away our faith and everything we believe.
But thanks be unto God, have an elite team behind us; the power of the Holy Spirit, the Word and our heavenly Father gives us the strength we need to overcome! When you think of the lineup, the war was over long before it ever started! The whole host of hell could be on the other end and it wouldn't be enough to defeat us. Jesus already pulled the rope to the winning side when be conquered death, hell and the grave. He rose with all power and handed it to us.
The word declares “it’s not by might nor by power but by my Spirit” we are overcomers (Zechariah 4:6). How awesome is that?! When we made our confession to leave behind our sinful ways and follow God by faith, we automatically received the strength we need to stand and WIN everyday. It is up to us to hold on tight and refuse to let our hope and faith go in God. Regardless of who or what is on the other side trying to take it away from us, we have to remember that we have the victory in Christ Jesus.
Read: Matthew 16:13-20; Hebrews10:19-25;35-39
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