"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them." Ephesians 2:10
God created us to walk or rather live out the good works that he prepared for us through Christ. What are those good works? Well, it is everything that Christ has placed in your heart to do that bring him glory in service to others. Whatever it is, he created you with everything you need to walk in it successfully. It's the very thing that tugs on your heart or gives you butterflies in your stomach at the mere thought of doing it.
Each of us is uniquely designed to walk in ordained steps even if those steps feel impossible to walk in. Believe it or not, you are equipped to walk in the very thing you are hesitating to do. Unfortunately, many of us don't realize our potential in God. We shrink back and refuse to move forward because fear has gripped our legs and paralyzed our hearts.
But here is the good news! God has already ordained specific steps for your life that will lead you on our path to purpose and success. Steps that are tested, tried and approved through Christ Jesus are exactly the steps we need to walk in. You don't have to create your own path but know that one is already prepared for you. Take courage and walk the path that will lead you on the best journey of your life.
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