"God, make a fresh start in me, shape a Genesis week..." Isaiah 51:10 MSG
We all can benefit from a fresh start. Every day when we rise to a new day God grants us the blessing of starting fresh. Yesterday is gone and today becomes our fresh start and a new beginning. It's so important to command our day as a first fruit unto the Lord. When we dedicate our day to Jesus, we are able to follow his lead and direction. We have to ask God to reset our thoughts and our attitude. If we want to see a different result from our yesterday, we need to be able to be flexible and listen for the voice of God to instruct us.
Starting with a fresh mindset at the beginning of our week is exactly what we need to remain focus on the task and assignment ahead of us. There is so much to be accomplish and we can't afford to shift our mind to distractions and discouraging thoughts. When we ask God to shape our day, we are inviting the Holy Spirit to reveal the course in which we should take. It is up to us to follow and obey.
Think of all the wonderful things we can achieve with the help of the Holy Spirit. Everything that we have set out to do this week can be done. In our time of weakness and vulnerability, God is made strong. He is our strength and the only one we can trust to see us through whatever assignment he has laid before us. We can't afford to waste valuable time worrying about something that God has already dealt with on our behalf. Our focus should remain on the task ahead that we have asked for strength to tackle and complete.
Today, ask God to help you keep a fresh mindset towards your assignment this week, to trust that whatever you are tasked to do, you will accomplish with the help of the Holy Spirit.
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