"For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts." Isaiah 55:9
Can you imagine being molded daily by negative thoughts? According to the Huffington Post, the average brain has between 50,000 and 70,000 thoughts a day. Regrettably, the majority (an estimated 60-70 percent) of our thoughts are negative. Why would 60-70% of our thoughts be negative? It could be contributed to many different factors. Life's circumstances, self perception and things that shaped our belief system are three major factors that influence they way we think.
Sometimes, it is difficult to see beyond what we have been taught or what our circumstances tells us. We are often bombarded with thoughts that tells us that our situation is never going to change. As our situation speaks to us, every time we try to think, "this time it's going to work out for me". Our mind assess the argument of our situation and we become compliant because it always seem to win. The negative scenarios are reinforced by our negative thoughts of agreement.
But today, God wants us to break the agreement! Even though we see ourselves not coming out of it, he does. The scripture says that God's thoughts and ways are higher than our own. He made provision in his word for us to lead a healthy and balanced thought life. God does not want us to live in a perpetual pattern of defeated thinking.
We often hear we become what we think. If we are not careful, our thoughts will shape us into fear, doubt, worry and despair. It is obvious, we have a powerful mind. We have to yield our thoughts to God, pick up his word and meditate on it. In doing so, we begin to shift those negative thoughts into positive affirmation of God's faithful promises. Adopting the mind of Christ is solution for a healthy thought life. Ask your Heavenly Father to show you the way of faith.
Don't let your life circumstances, self-perceptions or negative beliefs rule your thoughts. Submit to God and you will find a peace that surpass all understanding.
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