My flesh and my heart may fail, but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever. Psalm 72:26
We all need strength! Strength to work, live and do the things we are called to do. Yet, we find ourselves depleted because of everything that we are trying to accomplish. At times, we will find that our strength is not sufficient alone. Without God's intervention we will find ourselves in a place we all dread...a space of being overwhelmed.
Right now, confess that you need God to be the strength of your heart and your portion forever. The part of you that longs to bear all of your cares and concerns on him. Our dependency on God's strength reminds us to be vulnerable and transparent in his presence. When we realize that we can't do life on our own, the Spirit of God ushers us to the one that can keep us.
So, whatever you can not handle or carry today. Jesus is able to see you through. He will empower you with his strength so that everything that seems too heavy to carry will now feel light as a feather.
May every burden be lifted now and may the supernatural strength of the Lord be imparted to you today!