Read: Acts 3:1-16
Scripture Reference: "Then Peter said, Silver and Gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk." Acts 3:6 KJV
The man described in this chapter was faced with adversity. He was lame from birth never knowing the joy of walking, running, or standing on his own. He probably dealt with shame, hurt, and pain from the years of feeling helpless and hopeless. He had to rely on the mercy of those around him to not just help him to a gate everyday but hope that someone would look on his need and consider him worth helping. Every day he would beg for money because he wasn't in the position to change his situation. BUT a day came where God met him at his point of need at the appointed time.
By accepting Peter's hand, the help that only God can give enabled this once poor lame man to rise up out of his despair. Through the Apostle Peter, he gave him something far greater than money could ever provide. He was now healed, delivered, and set free to do something he never imagined that he could do. He got up from the place where he was bound and began to WALK and LEAP.
Consider the current climate, people need to know that God loves them and he still has the power to heal their place of brokenness. As believers, we have the authority of Jesus Christ to go forth and be the extended hand that will save souls, instill hope, and encourages the faith of someone that is longing to be healed. During this time you may not think that you could be the answer to someone's prayer or daunting situation, but you are. You have so much to give! Take a moment and think about how you can extend your hand to someone today.