Psalms 84:5-7 NLT 5 What joy for those whose strength comes from the LORD, who have set their minds on a pilgrimage to Jerusalem. 6 When they walk through the Valley of Weeping, it will become a place of refreshing springs. The autumn rains will clothe it with blessings. 7 They will continue to grow stronger, and each of them will appear before God in Jerusalem.
As human beings we are built to be mobile. We are not limited to our current environment once we are able to walk. Just like a baby taking its first steps and mustering up the courage to trust themselves, they make it up it in their mind to let go to whatever they were holding on to and take a step. That decision to take that step becomes life changing. They are no longer limited to the crib, the high chair or even the walker…they have become explorers of their space. Walking becomes natural and they never go back to crawling. They realize they have new found strength in their legs to walk.
When we muster the strength to take the first step in pursuing God, he replaces our strength with his divine strength. We become aware of the limitless possibilities when we decide to walk with him and we become encouraged by the numerous benefits that are associated in pursing God. We gain a deeper understanding of his word, we develop a rich prayer life and we cultivate a life of thanksgiving. Yet in all of our pursuits, there are challenges that we prefer not to indulge. Spiritual warfare we wish we could avoid and tears that we don’t want to cry. These are the places that we wish we can bypass. And if we are honest with ourselves we refuse to walk in these places because it’s too disruptive to our lives and extremely uncomfortable.
The truth is, our walk in God will be tested as our faith grows. During our pilgrimage we will encounter what the bible calls our place of Baca. The valley of Baca is known as a place of weeping and unfavorable conditions. Today, you might be faced with something unfavorable and you don’t see a way out of it. But, praise be the Lord for he has provided a way of escape. When we can’t deal with it, that is when God steps in. The bible declares, that you will walk through your valley. It’s not a place of permanent residence. However, as you pass through your valley experience, God will cause it to be a place of refreshing. The very thing that brought you there will be the very thing that will cause you to be refreshed in the Lord.
If you are experiencing a loss of some sort, it’s in the valley that God will console you and provide you with what you may need. The scriptures states that he will clothe us with his blessings. Not only provide for us during our valley experience but we will grow STRONGER.
Our place of Baca is not just to weep but to gain strength. After you have cried over it, begin to trust God to take you through it. Our hearts become filled with joy as we set our affections on him and not the valley. He promises to take us through and bring us to a place of restoration. Know that God is walking with you through your valley, he is able to see you come out on the other side Stronger than you went in.