Read Zechariah 4:6-9
Scripture highlight: Who are you, O great Mountain? Zec 4:7
Start looking at your situation from the perspective of God's enabling grace. Whatever he has called your hands to do, you shall finish it regardless of the opposition. No matter how great the mountain that stands before you. It is not by might nor by power, but by his Spirit that we accomplish what he has set before us. We should never look at our mountain face to face because they are not our equal.
God wants us to look at our mountain from an elevated position. Rising above the situation is not just a cliche, its a fact. Once we have taken on God's perspective concerning our situation we have positioned ourselves to respond in faith and not fear. Elevating our vision puts us in a position to see clearly through his Holy Spirit.
We must understand that our mountains are not bigger than our God. The issue that is before us is not greater than who we are and who God call us to be. Knowing who we are in Christ is the most important truth a believer must uphold. God declared in his word that we are more than conquerors and overcomers. Therefore, we should never make adversity, fear, sickness, lack, or anything else our equal because they are all under our feet. They can not hold power over us when we stand in our spiritual authority. We are children of God and nothing by any means shall harm or overtake us. When we are in the will of God as Zerubbabel was, the mountains we face will bow and crumble as a plain before us.
Don't be intimidated at the size and grand stature of the mountain that stands in your way. All you have to do is declare and speak the word of the Lord and watch it be removed! There is power in our confession of faith. Don't be discouraged, fustrated, or weary in what he is calling you to do. When the mountains form just Speak to it and see the salvation of the Lord. He is on your side.
