Mark 5:18-20 18 As Jesus was getting into the boat, the man who had been demon-possessed begged to go with him. 19 Jesus did not let him, but said, “Go home to your own people and tell them how much the Lord has done for you, and how he has had mercy on you.” 20 So the man went away and began to tell in the Decapolis[b] how much Jesus had done for him. And all the people were amazed.
In Mark chapter 5 Jesus visited the country of Gerasenes where he meets upon arrival a demon possessed man who lived in isolation among the tombs. He was in bondage and severely tormented by the impure spirit called Legion. The scripture states that night and day among the tombs and in the hills he would cry out and cut himself with stones. He was in desperate need of deliverance and Jesus showed up at the appointed time.
Once Jesus cast out the spirits, this man was no longer possessed by the legion of demons but was now clothed, delivered, and in his right mind. In all of this, the people were afraid and pleaded with Jesus to leave their region. One might wonder why would they ask Jesus to leave after such an amazing deliverance. Perhaps they were focusing too much at what they had lost (the herd of pigs) instead of what they gained (a man restored).
The man that was once demon possessed begged if he could leave with Jesus but in all of his divine wisdom, Jesus told the him no. He wanted him to stay behind and be a witness of what the Lord had done. His time in that country was short lived but he was able to bring deliverance to one man that he may turn around and be a deliverer of God’s message of love, compassion and mercy. When he began to evangelize and share his testimony, the bible said that all the people were amazed.
We all have a testimony. Our testimony points to what the Lord has done for us in our desperate time of need and how Jesus had mercy on us. When you share your story, you are giving hope and extending your faith to someone that need to believe that there is a God that love and cares about them enough to see them healed, whole and delivered.
Our testimonies vary. Someone of us have gone through and overcame all forms of abuse, sickness, addictions, rejection, depression, oppression and so much more. It is important that we begin to compel others to Christ so they may receive God’s invitation of healing. We all can look over our lives and point out the many times God brought us through, over and out of situations. We can recall the times when he healed the broken pieces of our heart or when he delivered us out of the clutches of the enemy. Whatever our experience, we have a responsibility to tell of his goodness and bring someone out of their dark tomb into his marvelous light.