Psalm 139
[23] “Search me, O God and know my heart; Try me, and know my anxieties; [24] And see if there is any wicked way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” Psalm 139:23-24 NKJV
Psalm 139 speaks of God’s perfect knowledge of humanity. King David describe God’s infinite knowledge in an awe inspiring way. He declares that God is ever present and all-knowing and acknowledges that he knows his every move. Yet, toward the end of the psalms David inquire of the Lord and asks to search his heart. David’s request seems odd at first, but the question was really about exposing what he didn’t know about himself. He understood that God in all his infinite knowledge and wisdom knows him better than he knows himself.
A spiritual checkup is always a good idea. We need to continuously go before our Father and ask him to reveal or expose any hidden “thing” in our hearts that we are not conscience of. We face so many hurdles, pitfalls, and valleys in our lives that it’s easy to pick up the residue of what we have been through. It can make us stronger or it can also make us weaker and susceptible to ungodly influences. Whatever "IT" is, we need to ask God to show us, US.
When we ask God to search us, the Holy Spirit helps us to see what he sees. He begins to reveal our inner most desires, fears, and anxieties that we have kept hidden within our hearts and unwilling to submit to him. We bury things so deep that we forget that they were there in the first place. But our God is faithful to reveal those things that has become a stumbling block in our lives. When God begins to show us the condition of our heart take every step to get back on track. We must follow the instructions of the Holy Spirit so he can purify our hearts. So, don’t be afraid to ask God to search your heart, he will help you see what you need to address.