Psalms 71:14-15 14 But I will hope continually, and will praise You yet more and more. 15 My mouth shall tell of Your righteousness and Your salvation all the day, for I do not know their limits.
Many would argue that Michael Jordan is the “Greatest of all time” in the history of the NBA. Beyond his six championship rings, scoring titles, MVP recognition, and endless accolades; he was great because when it made sense to give up, he didn’t. He had an inner drive and mentality that allowed him to push himself and those around him beyond their limitations. Giving up was never an option. He had a mental fortitude that pushed him to achieve greatness beyond his lifetime. He never lost hope in his ability to get the job done because he believed that he could do what others failed to do.
Today, we all face moments in our lives when we wanted to give up and give into our emotions because we believed that we couldn’t get the job done. The energy that it takes to keep going can be difficult when you lose your desire to push through. Especially if you believe that life is constantly presenting you with lemons. Yet there is something on the inside of us that refuses to relent.
The Holy Spirit begins to witness or minister to our spirit when we are feeling hopeless and helpless. It reminds us of the word of God and begin to encourage our hearts to hope in the Lord. When we hope in the Lord, we become rejuvenated and our faith becomes strengthened. Our praise and awareness of God’s righteousness becomes a repellent to hopelessness and discouragement that tries to creep in. Our spirits become alive when we begin to declare the opposite of how we feel.
As we hope in the Lord, we begin to change our speech. Our emotions and actions begin to come into alignment with the word of God in our hearts. We are able to pursue that which we desire. When we survey our lives and remember how God saved us our soul becomes encouraged. In those brief moments of wanting to give up, don’t. Call on the Lord. He will restore your hope and give you the mental fortitude you need to get the job done.