Ephesians 4:2 Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
Now more than ever we can recognize in more instances we want to admit that we are losing our patience. We some time lose patience with our situation, people at work, family members at home and even our friends. Frustrations are running high because we are tired of dealing with the same circumstances and seeing no immediate change.
When we take a moment to breathe, we are allowing ourselves to readjust. Our emotions can get the best of us when we don’t take the time to readjust our thoughts and attitude. Our ability to stop and be present of how we are feeling enables us to think before we do or say something that we can never take back or regret. It also gives us an opportunity to think through how we can address our concerns and frustrations in a way that others can receive it.
Today’s scripture encourages us to remain humble, gentle and patient with each other. Most importantly it urges us to exercise grace. The same grace we would want extended to us when we are going through a challenging time is the same grace we should extend to others. If you are struggling to keep your cool, ask the Holy Spirit to help you to respond in love and not with impatience or frustration with others.