Read: Daniel 3
The three Hebrew boys were given a life changing ultimatum, bow before a golden image and worship or face a slow painful death by fire. They didn’t hesitate to choose death because they believed that their God was a deliver and if he decided not to deliver them from the hands of the King, they wanted to keep the integrity of their faith intact.
When we stand up for what we believe in we will be put to the test. Our faith in God will be tested, tried and proved through the many trials we will face. Like the Hebrew boys, we are feeling the heat of our situation. The reality is, we are experiencing the intensity of the immense pressure that it brings and we see no way out of it. In moments like these, it appears that we are bound and tied up. Yet, we have a confidence in God that propels us pass what we see and into what we know. In these situations, we have to ask ourselves…What is God showing me?
In order to see what God needs us to see we have to change our perspective of our fiery furnace. We can’t approach it with fear. Nor can we see it as an impeding danger to take us out. When things turn up, we have to approach it as a divine opportunity to test, build and refine our Faith. Our furnace is purifying us and positioning us to receive a greater portion of God’s glory.
When we step into our fiery furnace with confidence, we are catapulting our faith to new heights. We are cultivating a faith that is pure, honest and true that it invokes heaven to respond. God is attracted to those who exercise intense faith under immeasurable pressure. If you are feeling the heat, don’t be afraid to step in the fire. It’s your divine opportunity and the breakthrough you have been waiting on. When you overcome the testing of your faith, its open doors that you could never imagine. Take heart beloved, he is in the midst of your fiery furnace. Don’t stop believing, refuse to buckle under pressure and watch God send in the reinforcement.