1 Corinthians 9:26 "Therefore, I do not run like someone running aimlessly..."
Growing up as a child, playing games were the highlight of the day. It was my opportunity to have fun and play with my friends. Nothing else seemed to matter, I played with all of my heart. With limited time, I made sure that I played all the games that I wanted to play before being called inside. On the playground, everyone would run to the swings, monkey bars, slides or the seesaw. The swing was all about gaining momentum, the monkey bars were a test of strength, the slides were all about hitting a smooth landing and the seesaw taught balance.
Life has become our playground. We are still running after things that we believe is going to give us the momentum, strength, direction and balance in our lives. Our hearts are motivated by a constant pursuit of happiness and security. However, our running will be in vain if we are not seeking the Lord.
The Lord is the one that gives us strength to endure the toughest of times. In our lives, there are moments when our strength cannot uphold us. We need to run to a greater source that is able to carry us when we can no longer stand in our own strength. We need the Lord, to give us divine direction. when we don’t know which way to turn he will be the guiding hand that will allow us to run with purpose and momentum. He is also the one that gives us balance and helps us prioritize what matters the most in our lives.
Jesus is the main ingredient and the center of our peace, joy and security. Without him we will be running aimlessly to other things that will never satisfy us. Anything built without God will only produce a false sense of security. When life gets hard, pursue God harder. Don’t run towards things that cannot fulfill you. Run to the Lord wholeheartedly and he will restore your happiness.