Deuteronomy 31:8 “The LORD himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged."
Over the course our lives we could pin point events and situations that left us feeling afraid and discouraged. In those instances, we get this intense feeling that nobody cares. We convince ourselves that we are on our own. If we take a deeper look we will see that what we are feelings don’t always paint the full picture. Our feelings do not always point us to the truth. The truth is God loves us. The truth is his word and promises will never fail us. The truth is he is always there during our intense moments and we can’t rely on what we feel in the moment to override what we know to be true.
Discouragement can quickly set us on a path to nowhere. It comes as a thief in the night to steal our joy and halt our progress. When we have discouraging thoughts we need to look at the source and root of it. To get to the root we need to investigate and ask ourselves a few questions. Why do I feel discouraged? Where is all this coming from? What does the word say about how I am feeling? Once we discover the answer, it is imperative that we place it on the altar. A swift response to what we are facing will allow the Holy Spirit to minister to us in our time of need. If left unchecked, discouragement will attract other negative emotions into our life.
If you are feeling discouraged because of circumstances out of your control, don’t hesitate to give it to Jesus who is always in control. Whatever you need from him, don’t be afraid or a shame to ask for help. Our Father is able to keep us when we run out of steam.