Galatians 6:2 Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ
There is nothing we won’t do for the people that we love. We will move mountains, go to the moon and back or lay down what we are doing to come to their aid. Our intense love moves us to action without thinking twice about optics, logic or circumstances. We do these things because we recognize that there will be times when our family, friends or neighbors need a helping hand.
However, our reach should go beyond the people we have a personal connection with. In order to fulfill the law of Christ, we must love one another as Christ loves us. This means reaching out and helping others outside of our circle. As Christians, we have the responsibility to help those that are in need of what we can give. In whatever capacity we can, we should lend a loving hand.
Remember, It costs us nothing but it means the world to someone facing a difficult situation that they can't bear alone. If we practice extending our love to others in their time of need, we will be able to spread the Gospel not just in word but also in deed.